The Mechanics Of Health

Sadhguru x Dr Devi Prasad Shetty Next time another student doctor wants to interact with me, they’ll first have to answer a question from this video – who is that talented heart doctor Dr Shetty mentioned in this video?

2023 Warfarin-induced subdural Christmas

In general, symptoms of brain bleeds can include: See the mild white area about 6mm on the top right? Yea. Mild bleeding but because I don’t present any particular weakness in my extremities or limbs, I’m considered safe. Solution: an injection of vitamin K. Doctors offered an $800 shot of PCC to reverse the…

And Now, Yoga.

2023; the past year of healing has taught me exercises in discipline, diligence, and patience. My fabulous physiotherapist, YVONNE MARUI, who has given me monthly homework and vetted through exercises that I picked up from YouTube (Isha Yoga). It was one of my goals – yoga, taichi, sign language, farming… Fortunately, I can do most…

2023 PEARS by NUH Cardiac

“What is the PEARS Procedure? Personalized external aortic root support (PEARS) is a procedure in which a 3D copy of the patient’s aorta is made by computer-aided design. Using that as a former, a mesh sleeve of the same shape and size is made to fit that patient’s aorta.” I knew it! 10 years ago,…

2023 July Nocturnal Finger Ache

As if there’s ever such a strange body happening. How could it only ache at night after I fall asleep? The past week revealed another physical pain – specifically, fingers aching at night when I sleep. Which means if I’m awake at 3am, it doesn’t ache. Fingers feel cold. Is there no blood circulation? Finger…

2023 June – PPD the Skin Reaction

Pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPD) is a benign skin condition associated with medical conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune conditions and some medications including beta blockers, diuretics and aspirin in the literature. 29 Apr 2022 Many medications also have been reported as causing pigmented purpuric dermatitis, including acetaminophen, aspirin, carbamazepine, chlordiazepoxide, diltiazem, dipyridamole, furosemide, glipizide, hydralazine, infliximab, interferon-alpha,…

BIPAP Bits & Tips

*Can probably apply to CPAP users too? 25 February 2023 Currently on 2nd month of RESMED bipap rental. And still dealing with a facial wound from using the mask for the past month. Summary: After trying out various bandages, oils, and products, my final solution was to change from a full face mask (FFM) to…

The ResMed Affair – bipap & breathing

This is about my initial reluctance to get the ResMed Lumis 150 bipap machine with a full face mask. Now that I have one, I discovered new blessings in disguise. Also, it helps my sleep quality, carbon dioxide poisoning issue and breathing.Honestly, proper and sensitive communication about the situation by the medical team could have…

2022 December Surgery & lessons learnt

Part Three of Prof Jackie Ho’s subclavian artery repair op. (Oh gee, when will this end?) It started as a small repair to remove some nitriol wires put in two surgeries and is fast turning into a long bad icu experience with carbon dioxide poisoning, water in lung, odema, atrial blood issues, bone cutting on…

2022 November Staycay – Kidney, Bladder or Blood Thinner?

Brown, tea-coloured pee on 25 November. A&E 26 November. AMU Bed 15. They don’t know why. Blood tests. INR 2.1, all variables within range. Mild infection based on white blood cell count of 60 (more than 10, but not that high to be an issue.) No peeing pain, burning feeling, nada. No sign of UTI…