And Now, Yoga.

2023; the past year of healing has taught me exercises in discipline, diligence, and patience. My fabulous physiotherapist, YVONNE MARUI, who has given me monthly homework and vetted through exercises that I picked up from YouTube (Isha Yoga). It was one of my goals – yoga, taichi, sign language, farming…

Fortunately, I can do most of the exercises with my revised body, in spite of my multiple surgeries. Lots of stretching and breathing, nothing forced, every move is painlessly executed.

A few exercises came through for me – neck, joints, back, lungs, and core. My stamina is a big work-in-progress as I chug along and attempt to walk longer distances. I still need a breathing break after 200m as of October 2023 but I am walking independently with a smile on my face. 🙂

5-minute NECK, SHOULDER –

5-minute JOINTS –

5-minute BACK, SPINE –

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