Thank You

My gratitude continues in the latest December 2023 NUHS Staycation at Ward 27 and Ward 52 bed 15 – THANK YOU.

And to the one who introduced me to the YouTube of THE MECHANICS OF HEALTH with Dr DEVI PRASAD SHETTY – May every doctor and healthcare person be moved by the wisdom of

THANK YOU, NUHS nurses, doctors, and staff!
1 August 2022 – Happy Nurses’ Day!

This time, I got a bit smarter and asked for names to be written down so I can properly say THANK YOU to the people who looked after me. I also appreciate the many nurses and doctors I’ve met over the decades; without your collective care, I wouldn’t be here today. I am both grateful and lucky to have met you. So in no particular order… as I started asking for names in ICU six days after my operation.

December Update for Ward 64 & Ward 20 teams

I have so many more of you to thank! Nurses Esther, Hidayah, i didn’t get all your names… (still updating!) Wint, Sheela… Dr Miko?

Wan Neng, Wanqi, Mengyan?, Melodee, Man Ling, Dr RAVI ttsh, Liezl, Wang Min, Feng yan, Timothy, Karyn,

Hope you have many blessings this coming year 2023 and cookies too! 🙂

NUHS-ICU Ward 20:

  • SHEFALI – physio who helped me to cough more
  • WANG NENG – nurse who like many I’m listing down, did well in caring for me
  • ALESSANDRA – you are awesome in listening to my plans to move the world, and thank you especially for my first lesson in ICU Psychosis
  • WANG MIN – the night nurse on duty
  • Sister ONG GUAT SIM – for holding my hand and distracting me from the pain, encouraging me to pray in any way I can, Buddhist or Christian. You are really sweet, and I hope you can teach English with me some day.
  • CLIFFORD XU – the male nurse with the humour that kept me happier in ICU, thank you for your laugh that makes me smile just hearing it. I’m glad you’re both happy and healthy.
  • KARYN – social worker who spoke to me for a bit
  • MILDRED – forgive me short memory, and thank you

NUHS-ICU Ward 64:

  • DORIS – the foodie nurse who kept me company up late, thank you for our chat
  • JOANNA – the occupational therapy student, you guys are making an impact
  • GRACE MANZANO – thank you too
  • SHI FUI FUI – Anti-Coagulation Clinic for your expertise and organising the INR test and training for me
  • SHEILA – I’m not sure if you’re a staff or part-timer
  • MAY THARAPHI – thanks for the physio
  • CHANCY LIM – vascular tech, thanks a bunch
  • JEFFREY SEAH BOON HENG – food services and your whole team of food servers who cheerfully feed us. You also encouraged the ah mas to eat.
  • SELVARANI – my favourite phlebo, thank you for being so gentle and skilled at drawing blood
  • SAMANTHA – for your help with toileting, I’m sure everyone does a lot of toilet work
  • ELIZA, EDEN and AI LIAN – for your skill in putting on compression socks with a plastic bag; i learnt and applied
  • Sister LI YAO – for encouraging me and giving me tips while I did my INR self-testing; i’m much more confident now!
  • DRs AFSHAN, SAMUEL, MARK – vascular surgery with Prof JACKIE HO (I remember the two of you who [A]re bound to the [S]ecret of 2-truths-1-lie for exams. :))
  • DRs CHAN XUE WEN, CHARMIAN CHONG – heart docs with Prof KRISTINE TEOH (following up to get me out of there before seventh month, thanks so much. :))
  • HIDAYAH and QIAN WEN – the machine fixers because the drawer crashed onto the pump and drainage module.
  • YUHENG, DEODATUS QUEK and CANDICE WEE – physio tag team for getting me on my feett again and listening to me plan for my “jailbreak”
  • ONG SIEW PENG – part-timer as basic care assistant but you and another lady are so good at what you do, thank youuuu

I’m sure there are more of you to thank if only I was not on ventilator or forgetfully drugged – I owe my health and recovery to your collective efforts, so thank you for what you do compassionately, and gently when there are so many uncertainties in this world. Thank you for being strong when we are weak. Thank you for being patient when we are scared and screaming. Thank you for being our nurse.

Ps: I don’t know how else to thank you besides getting you more pens… hahahah! Sending you chocolates and cookies seem too unhealthy. More pens it is!

THANK YOU, SGH nurses, doctors, and staff!
1 January 2017 – Happy New Year!

———- Forwarded message ——— FYI: ST never published this anyway…
From: Lyn 
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2017, 12:10 pm
Subject: A THANK YOU LETTER for New Year
To: <>

Dear ST Forum Editor,
A BELATED THANK YOU LETTER to doctors and nurses from SGH, NUH & Farrer Park Hospital.

I am writing this to thank the nurses and doctors of different hospitals for their efficient and responsive coordination to save my life from an uncommon aortic dissection and aneurysm in 2016. 

I did not know how close I was to a life-threatening danger. Prof Kristine Teo who was my primary cardiac doctor in NUH, together with Prof James Yip, caught my condition in time. Prof Kristine brought in Prof Vitaly for his expertise. The professors at NUS also consulted with Dr Joseph Coselli of the Texas Heart Institute. It was complicated and the last similar case in Singapore occured about 15 years ago.

I owe this life now to the selfless cooperation and care that my doctors gave me – they helped me to choose the best surgeon possible for this complicated surgery ahead with a very high mortality and disability rate. My options of the best surgeons in Singapore to ensure that I did not die in surgery were Prof. Peter Robless (Farrer Park Hospital, ex-NUH), Prof. Kenny Sin (SGH), Prof Vitaly Sorokin (NUH). These three surgeons had given me invaluable advice and met me in emergency consultations. All three professors consulted each other to discuss about my case and how best to proceed. 

The final consensus for the best outcome for this surgery would be with Prof Kenny Sin (SGH).
The moment the decision was made, the hospitals efficiently coordinated the seamless transfer from NUH to SGH. I was operated on the next day.

It was a critical time of physical, emotional, and mental stress for me and my family. I was overwhelmed by the situation but I shall deeply remember how these professors, doctors and nurses shone in their utmost professionalism and compassion and took care of me during this health crisis – I am alive today because you cared deeply enough regardless of hospital affiliation.

The Christmas of 2016, when I could have died or been physically disabled for life, turned out to be a time of great blessing and celebration – I recovered from surgery with no major complications and was discharged in January.

To each of these doctors, I salute your hearts; you collectively gave me another chance at life. With my deepest gratitude and belated thanks.

To each of the nurses who took care of me, I’m sorry my addled mind cannot recall your names even as you went above and beyond your call of duty at SGH CT ICU, HDU, all the while motivating me in my times of extreme stress and pain. You have my love and appreciation.

Dr John Tan – Mt Elizabeth – for your help in getting the notes from your operation for my first type B/AAA in 2006. (cx AAA, 8.5cm x 8.8cm leak s/p IRAA open repair straight graft)

Prof Peter Robless – ex-NUH/ Farrer Park hospital – for helping me make sound decisions based on best chances, and not on fears or bias in 2011/2016. (cx type B dissection with acute lower limb malperfusion, s/p right axillo-femoral A bypass)

Prof Kenny Sin – NHCS/SGH – who looked after my enlarging type B dissection that grew from 4.4cm to 5.8cm and repaired my descending thoracic aorta aneurysm in 2016 (26mm Dacron graft) which eventually thrombosed after all your hard work.

Prof Kristine Teoh – NUHS – for your timely intervention this time round with my type A dissection so close to my heart in 2022.

Prof Jackie Ho – NUHS – for your surgical expertise to ease my vascular anuerysm with a new graft for 2022. Thank you for coordinating with Prof Kristine on this double surgery.

Prof Joseph Coselli who advised my NUH doctors on how to proceed in 2016.

Prof Vitaly for your time and advice in 2016, when I was desperate for answers. Thank you.

Prof James Yip – NUHS – for your care and compassion through the years looking after us since 2006. Thank you.